
Get it from HERE

8.1.x versions (master)

SMITUX is written to disk using the script “stx2disk”.

Installation can be done with any Smitux version or with some other Linux (we recommend SystemRescueCd - if you have a dedicated Hetzner server use the rescue system).

We DO NOT support installations using Windows or MacOS!

  1. Download the .tar.gz file and copy it to your linux box (Example: “scp root@linuxbox:/root”).
  2. Download the install script (“stx2disk”) and copy it to your linux box (Example:“scp stx2disk root@linuxbox:/root”).
  3. Connect a USB stick or a disk to your box (or use one of the internal disks).
  4. Login as root(ssh root@linuxbox) or become root on your box (to do this execute: “sudo su -").
  5. Use the command “fdisk -l” to determine the target drive:
Disk /dev/sda: 111.8 GiB, 120034123776 bytes, 234441648 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x3411b46d
 Device     Boot    Start       End   Sectors  Size Id Type
 /dev/sda1           2048   8798207   8796160  4.2G 82 Linux swap / Solaris
 /dev/sda2  *     8798208  79198207  70400000 33.6G 83 Linux
 /dev/sda3       79198208 234440703 155242496   74G 8e Linux LVM
   Disk /dev/sdc: 14.3 GiB, 15376000000 bytes, 30031250 sectors
   Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
   Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
   I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
   Disklabel type: dos
   Disk identifier: 0x00966661
    Device     Boot Start      End  Sectors  Size Id Type
    /dev/sdc1  *     2048 30031249 30029202 14.3G  c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
  1. In this case we can use the /dev/sdc device (which is a 16 GB USB-stick). Assuming you have copied your tarfile and the stx2disk script to /root issue the following commands to install SMITUX to the USB drive:
cd /root
chmod 755 stx2disk
./stx2disk /dev/sdc stx-image-8.1.18.tar.gz
  1. The script will ask several questions:
Hostname [stx] ? 
Domainname [localdomain] ? 
Swapspace in GB [4] ? 1
ROOT filesystem in GB [32] ? 8
IP address [] ?
Netmask [24] ? 
Gateway [] ?
DNS [] ?
HINT:for old machines choose "dos" partition!
Partition TYPE (msdos OR gpt) [msdos] ? 
Hostname            = stx
Domainname          = localdomain
SWAP in GB          = 1
ROOT filesystem[GB] = 8
IP address          =
Netmask             = 24
Gateway             =
DNS                 =
Partition TYPE      = msdos
READY (Yy/Nn) y

HINT: Please keep in mind to use different IP adresses and names (this is just an example)!

HINT: Do not use sizes for root or swap that exceed the size of your medium.
Doing this will result in strange partitioning errors!

WARNING: The script will DELETE ALL data on your drive after entering “y”!
We are not responsible for any data loss! You have been warned.

Script output (end):


INFO: installing grub to [ /dev/sdc ].
Installing for i386-pc platform.
Installation finished. No error reported.
INFO: unmounting [ /tmp/ROOTFS.3296/dev ] ...
INFO: unmounting [ /tmp/ROOTFS.3296/proc ] ...
INFO: unmounting [ /tmp/ROOTFS.3296/sys ] ...
INFO: setting root password to ---> 49eb4505 <---
INFO: trying to unmount [ /tmp/ROOTFS.3296 ] ...
INFO: cleaning up ...

After writing all data to the target drive the script ends with a ready message and prints the root password. Please WRITE down this root password. This happens only ONCE!

Reboot your system and set the BIOS to boot from the fresh installed drive.
Thats all folks.

Install SMITUX in 3 minutes

This little video shows an installation using SystemRescueCD.