SMITUX is independent.

SMITUX is an independent, non-commercial, general purpose Linux server distribution (actually WITHOUT a Desktop or X-Windows) and it was designed for all users who need a server system that’s simple and easy to use, resource efficient and compatible with commercial applications (as far as possible). The system was initially created using the version 8.1 of the LFS Book (thanks to the great work of the LFS Team!).

SMITUX is work in progress.

Although we use it in production we don’t recommend to use it in production environments because there is no patch/package management yet. But you are welcome to test it and give us a feedback raising bugs, questions or feature requests.

SMITUX is free of charge.

Some of the software we distribute is licensed under the GPL. If you want to access the source code you can get it here. Smitux was created by Michael H.G. Schmidt. Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries.

About K.I.S.S.


… it in one Language. Smitux is not supporting and will not support any other language than english. This means that all documentation and all programs in Smitux are only available in english (the vast majority of scientific, technological or academical work nowadays is done in english and in the beginnings operating systems only had english as builtin language). Additionally: the only timezone SMITUX supports is UTC. Nevertheless, keyboard layouts and character sets are also available in other languages. Commercial and non-commercial applications can therefore be operated in the desired language.


Smitux is not derived from any other Linux (independent), it’s using the glibc (general purpose) and a vanilla (standard) Linux Kernel. Unnecessary files are removed and binaries are stripped. This makes it smaller and more resource efficient than mainstream GNU/Linux distributions.


Smitux is a distribution that will try to stay out of your way. Our goal is to provide the user a simple to use, clean Linux environment without all the noise and the distraction. You can then install your famous application from source, some binary or some commercial application. Simplicity is also one of the reasons why we support only one language (english).


Smitux was designed with security in mind. This means: All services and protocols (for e.g. IPv6) that are not required for the operation of the system are deactivated or not available at all. We believe: removing bloatware and unnecessary complexity (like systemd) makes it a better and safer system.


There are many reasons. For example:

  • Big business: So called “modern” distributions mostly care only for large customers.
    SMITUX won’t do this.

  • Complexity: So called “modern” distributions are becoming increasingly complex. I felt that this was wrong. I wanted something simple and less complex.
    SMITUX won’t do this.

  • Dependencies: So called “modern” distributions are having more and more dependencies. The have created a “package hell” - sometimes using more than one package system.
    SMITUX won’t do this.

  • Distractions: So called “modern” distributions are distracting the user. They focus on the whistles and bells and tend to forget what really matters for the user.
    SMITUX won’t do this.

  • Updates: So called “modern” distributions are updating faster and faster. Updates should only be made if they are absolutely necessary (“Never touch a running system”).
    SMITUX won’t do this.

And finally:

  • Updates should be rectractable in a consistent and easy way.
    SMITUX will do this.

Do’s and Don’ts

Principles (Dos)

SMITUX is largely based on (and tries to follow) the KISS principle (Keep it simple stupid!) and some other philosophies:

  • UNIX philosophy
  • DRY - Don’t repeat yourself!
  • YAGNI - You aren’t gonna need it!
  • Zen of python (“There should be one — and preferably only one — obvious way to do it.")

In detail:

  • Simple is better than complex.
  • Explicit is better than implicit.
  • Beautiful is better than ugly.
  • Build modular programs.
  • Write simple programs.
  • Write small programs.
  • Write transparent programs.
  • Write robust programs.
  • Readability counts!
  • Value developer time over machine time.
  • Write programs which fail in a way that is easy to diagnose.
  • Make data complicated when required, not the program.
  • Avoid unnecessary output.
  • Prototype software before polishing it.
  • Make the program and protocols extensible.

And finally:

  • If the implementation is hard to explain, it’s a bad idea.
  • If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.

Things we will never do (Don’ts)